Saturday 30 May 2015

Gruinard House Garden on a very damp day..!

There are a lot of photographs here, but it is such a delightful garden, I didn't want to leave any thing out and even when it's very soggy and wet and dripping it still looks scrumptious. The garden is situated at the mouth of the river Gruinard. There is a bridge in the garden that crosses the river. An abundance of wild life on the far shore looking back to the house and beyond to the Summer Isles, not looking very summery today. I came away at the end of the afternoon clutching my one purchase in a pot (won't be long before my garden looks like Gruinard House garden then!) and sat with my friend Mary on the beach enjoying the quiet and loveliness of it all. There are so many things here that are unexpected and Gruinard House Garden is one of them, even more so because most of the work has been done by one slightly middle aged lady who must have a strong constitution and not mind gardening on a slope, not mind the wind nor the rain and midges sometimes in the summer, nor the sheer hard work involved in making such loveliness look natural and whimsical and somehow just created by chance!
To  end on a sunny note. This was the front lawn of Gruinard House Garden when we were there two years can be sunny and warm sometimes!

1 comment:

Lucille said...

Yes I bought an aquilegia from Sissinghurst and felt sure that this would guarantee a similar success with my own garden!

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