Wednesday 1 February 2012

sunshine, a finished cosy...and an award!

The sun is shining, the tea cosy is finished and I've been given an award! (Not for finishing the tea cosy!) I was given the award back in December by Dan over at frogs, dogs & ferns. Dan and her husband have worked tirelessly on renovating an old cottage.  I was truly touched to receive it, thank you Dan very much. 

The Liebster Blog Award originates in Germany. Liebster means dearest or beloved, and Liebe is love. In accepting this award, the recipient agrees to:

*Copy and paste the award to their blog (I have to say this bit took me for ever, I had to enlist the help of Dan!)
*Reveal the 5 blogs they have chosen to award, commenting on their blog to break the news!.....and, this is where the panic set in!

Like everyone else I dip in and out of  many different blogs. I simply can't choose five! Up until yesterday I didn't think I could choose even one. There are just so many talented and amazing bloggers out there. So, I'm taking the coward's way out.  I've only chosen one blog, but there are five contributors to it - that's cheating just a bit I know. But the five contributors are very well deserving. They battle on against life's many and varied challenges. They're often misunderstood, but remain stoic and resolute throughout. They already have an award, but I think they deserve another - for carrying on in the face of adversity and for not moaning.....too much!
This is the blog I've awarded. I should also say that the award is only supposed  to go to a blog that has less than two hundred 'followers.' I'd better hurry over and let them know then - before they become too famous!


rachel said...

I'll tell them. They will be tepid about it, of course, unless it's catnip-infused and/or edible, but as it's from you, I'm sure they'll be more polite about it than they would be to me. On their behalf, as their under-appreciated secretary, I'll say thank you very much.

Doohie said...

Aah yes, never a dull moment over at "Isn't it dinner time yet", I visit there quite often. Good choice.
I love the tea cosy. I just need to start drinking tea and then I can have one.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations re award AND cracking tea cosy.


Dartford Warbler said...

I love your third photograph of the secret pathway disappearing into the trees.

annie hoff said...

The pathway in the trees was completely by chance. We had just walked through there when I turned round to look back and saw the most beautiful light coming through the trees and lighting up the grass and moss. It pays to look back sometimes!

Linda said...

congratulations on your award!
The sunlight is definitely gaining strength - we have climbed up the January hill!

old_black said...

I agree with Dartford Warbler...and you! That light on and around the path is just beautiful. And your comment that it pays to look back sometime is worth contemplating for quite a while.

S. Etole said...

You capture the light so well. The tulips are such a promise as winter hangs on.

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