The colour was dazzling. Intense deep oranges and reds that glowed; as if an enormous furnace had been lit behind the mountain. It begun this morning, quietly, just a glow, that slowly grew richer, deeper. It lasted no more than 5 minutes, heralding the arrival of a new day. And at the risk of showing the same old mountain yet again on this blog, here it is!
That is an incredible photo, the colour of the sky unbelievable. Thank you for sharing it on the blog! Love Jackie.
I want to come and live with you. It's so so beautiful and I am so so jealous!x Em
Thank you Jackie, I'm slowly getting used to the camera. It is beautiful here and some of the sunrises/sunsets are quite spectacular. I'm just about to post another entry - a broken oven ....not so beautiful! Hi Em come and live with us, and I can be granny No: 2?! Congratulations! x
:o) I'd be there in the shake of a badgers tail if I could. You definately are going to be Granny #2, just as you've been my Mumma #2 for all these years. It's so exciting isn't it. My mini bump is looking forward to many loch broom holidays. Hopefully speak to you soon. Lots of love x Em x
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