Robin (our oldest son) arrived from Manchester for a week of hard labour and toil, but on Friday (following the discovery of the damaged oven) we let him have a break and he and I climbed
Stac Pollaidh. Pronounced Stac Polly, it's a sort of rocky ridge that rises up and stands on its own just to the north of Ullapool. It looks very eroded and weather worn. A serrated rocky ridge.

The weather looked promising, and there were new boots to be worn in.

In recent years they have put in a foot path, at least as far as the north side where the ascent begins. This is a popular mountain as it's a relatively easy climb and being near the road doesn't take enormous long trek to reach.

The views it gives are awesome. In the distance Suilven, with Loch Sionascaig

This old boy has plenty to say! I wonder what changes (if any) he has seen.

And another old boy. It was very windy on top

but the view went all around and it was well worth making the effort. We sheltered from the wind and ate sausage rolls and chocolate.

And decided not to go up here. The traverse of the summit ridge is a rocky scramble and we didn't want to get blown off the top, besides we had to get back so Robin could finish insulating the loft!

The walk back down again was easy, if somewhat tough on the knees and driving home we caught the sun as it was just beginning to set.

Robin flew back to Manchester this morning on the 7am flight. He made the journey to the airport on time, despite gales and driving sleet, and rain. It was great to have his help and his company. As always I miss the kids when they go back after a visit. It's great that they come up and actually seem to enjoy it. They like what we're doing and enjoy sharing it with us, money and time permitting
Hello Ann and Niels. What a wonderful thing you are doing. Do you remember us? Saw Michael today at Pirbright church where I have become a bell ringer and he is learning too. He told me about your blog so have just been having a look. Hope you are enjoying the project in spite of the hard work. We are still in the same house at 78, Mark is now Deputy Warden at St Saviour's and the girls are 19 and 16. I remember you calling round just after Natalie (19) was born. Best wishes to you both for the New Year and your new home. Yvonne Craven
What a lovely surprise! Yes, I remember baby sitting for you once - can it really be so long ago?! We saw Pauline and Michael recently. They are coming to stay with us in the Spring. If you are ever passing this is a most wonderful place for a holiday, you would be most welcome. A Happy New Year to you and your family too
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