I think it's fair to say I'm knackered! Niels too I expect. We have been racing all week to stay ahead of the joiners. After finishing the insulation the plastic sheeting was put on.

On the instructions, the fitting of the Velux vapour barrier looked quite easy. In reality it was like wrestling with a giant wayward out of control plastic carrier bag.

And when that was finally conquered and subdued, we had all the sealing and making good of the plastic sheeting round the windows. It took us ages and involved late nights and early mornings and lots of getting cross with tape that stuck hard to the fingers instead of the window frames.

We managed at least to keep up with them, and yesterday, while we went to sit down and rest, the joiners plaster boarded the upstairs in about 10 minutes!

Suddenly it looks like a room!

and even downstairs is coming on

An internal wall!

A hallway!

And now I'm so tired I'm going to go along to the house we're staying in and do something ordinary like watching the television and falling asleep in the chair!
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