The view from my kitchen window. I think you'll agree it's not bad! And it makes peeling potatoes more bearable! I took this at around 5pm yesterday. The sun is climbing higher in the sky each day and as it goes down it just highlights the mountain tops.

We managed last week to make the journey down to Edinburgh - Ikea beckoned! The following day they closed part of the A9, not because we'd shed a load of bookcases, but because the snow arrived in force. We have spent this last week building orderly bookcases. This is a sort of book case/unit in the dinning room. I've managed to unpack more boxes of 'stuff' and immediately fill it. we had a massive turn out of unwanted things before we moved up here, but we still seem to have those want/not want, items we don't know what to do with.
Today I'm starting to decorate what will be Niel's office. I'm the chief decorator, Niels is the chief bookcase builder.

We haven't yet been snowed in, although we did have to dig the car out of snow at the weekend. We drove back from Elphin on Saturday evening on a very snowy, icy road. Elphin is about 15 miles north of Ullapool. We'd been invited for a meal and when it was time to go home a fresh fall of snow made driving slightly hazardous. There is only one road, and even if it's gritted, without traffic, it soon snows over.
We haven't had torrential rain and floods. No train cancellations in Ullapool, (there aren't any)
I think, so far, we've been lucky. The house stays surprisingly warm even without the woodburner. With the freezing temperatures we've had, we've kept a small electric fan heater on downstairs to boost the heat. The next major job will be laying wooden floors and installing the fire.
Hi Ann, nice to see the update.
That looks lovely Anne, good for you . At first I saw a giant wooden floor with a bed, three funny chairs and a little red paddling pool. Have now worked out that it is a table...We can't wait to see it properly in March,
take care, Dan and Em
Hello Phil!
I'm decorating what will be Niels' office - you may well see updates of my awfully bad corner taping and plastering soon!
Oh Dan!
You're right. now that's all I can see! Should I put an arrow pointing to the floor, saying it's really a table?! Looking forward to seeing you both
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