Yesterday morning the house looked like this

And then all of a sudden (only I don't suppose the builders thought it was all of a sudden!) it looked like this.

I'm wittering on again about something I get excited about, but I do love these windows. I could just stand and look at them for ages - which I did

I wanted to play at opening and closing them but Micky pointed out as I threw one open that the seal around them hadn't set - I shut it again and hoped that in my keeness to play at houses I hadn't caused a permanent draught!

And here is the view I'll have when I'm not just looking at, but looking out of, the windows!

There was a lot of this going on. They want to finish this week and go home. They have worked incredibly hard long days and the results are stunning.

It's ever so exciting I still can't quite believe it's ours. There is an enormous amount still to do! The joiner can start in May, and we have found an electrician (plus Ollie) and a plumber. Next week Martin, and Ian come back (hopefully) and put in the septic tank and do a bit of landscaping. We still need to clear the felled trees from the land and supply the building warrant chap with detailed plans of the electricity installations and plumbing - plus adhere to further changes needed! We are waiting for water and a phone line. BT say they are putting in more phone cable as the lines have run out. I shall go off air here at the end of the month, so hope something will happen soon! More importantly Niels needs internet access for his job. He gets up at some awful early times in the morning to complete his work schedule before switching over to house matters. He's a busy chap. The kids are coming up in May to help, which will be wonderful and very welcome. Is there any one out there who would like a working 'holiday?!' you'd have a lovely time - and my cooking is improving!
Wow - I can't believe how quickly it's gone up! And it really does look lovely - it blends in really nicely with the surrounding scenery. You must both be delighted.
I would offer my services for a 'working holiday', but unfortunately this would mean bringing three under-9s along with me. They love to "help", but from experience they'd be more of a hindrance than a help!
Hi Howie!
Yes, I remember that kind of 'help!' We have 3 under 30s coming up next month and I'm slightly anxious as to what kind of 'help' we'll get! Only joking kids in case you're reading this!
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