Friday 22 May 2009

Thank You

There has been a bit of a delay on my blog, due entirely to my birthday!  I had a brilliant birthday and will post some photos - later.  In the meantime, I just wanted to say a big "Thank You" for all the cards, phone calls and presents I received and to say I am writing 'thank you' letters.
This morning I got off to a good start and made the above 'thank you' card. It's from a photo of  some lesser celandine I took a few years ago in our other garden - the one with flowers in it!  I put the photo into photoshop and had a play - that was the easy and fun bit, but I can't tell you how many bits of screwed up paper there are around the printer and how many variations on a theme there are to the placing of the words 'Thank You' in on around upside down and on the back of card! I think you need a special  'this looks completely wrong, so it's bound to be right'  sort of brain to work out which way  the paper needs to be fed into the printer.
But at last, by late this afternoon,  it says 'Thank You' the right way up, and on the right side of the card, when you open it! Now I shall start writing in them.


Lucille said...

I like what you did with that photo very much. I completely concur with you over the difficulty of placing words in cards. I tried this at Christmas with a card saying Peace. It wasn't a very peaceful exercise. There were so many permutations that were wrong and my feeble brain felt so knotted when I tried to apply logic. I don't think I would be able to replicate the successful attempt because it was a random fling at the printer.

annie hoff said...

Thank you Lucille. I printed it on a linen effect paper and the colours are slightly less garish than shown on the computer. I'm quite happy with it. I wanted to put my name on the back at the bottom - you know like professionals do! But I also wanted the card to go out for this years birthday and not next! Like you I've no idea how I achieved the end result - but I was very relieved!

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