Friday 5 March 2010

Spring came crawling by

I've been looking for the first signs of spring. The last signs of summer are evident. But a couple of days ago on Ullapool hill I almost trod on and squashed the first sign of spring I've seen apart from snowdrops.
    This dear little chap came crawling by making his way across vast tracts of snow in search of - what?  A very good question! somewhere that wasn't so snowy perhaps.
I wanted to pick him up and help him - put him down on some lush green leaves
I wasn't sure this twig would be the answer - even in bud it didn't look much to sustain a small furry caterpillar. I left him to his own devices.
We were stretching our legs on Ullapool hill and nothing green at the top to tempt a caterpillar
 We were feeding our senses on the wide open views
 Ullapool below sits at the mouth of Lochbroom
and our house sits near the other end the loch - roughly ten miles from Ullapool and the nearest shop.


Lucille said...

Just you and that caterpillar, the only living things in sight! What amazing pictures.

annie hoff said...

Hi Lucille
He was an amazing little caterpillar. He seemed so intent on going somewhere, but I couldn't help but think it was as well he couldn't see the bigger picture - though, maybe he could?!

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