Thursday 24 February 2011

Getting plastered

This isn't a job I enjoy! And I'm always going on about it, and because I'm so slow at it I always seem to be doing it! Taping and plastering. Most of the joints in the plaster board were taped and plastered but some of most of the corners got left so now we're going back  and finishing off  'properly!'  Only not so properly as I'm not very good at it, and after the morning spent in the stairwell on a platform on a ladder I frightened myself by looking in the mirror - and wondered
if Annie Lennox had been doing a spot of decorating when she had this taken.
And while on a messy note, in the afternoon my new bread maker arrived
It's ever so nice, if a little on the large side. We'll have to take turns to be in the kitchen! We shall make it a shelf  to stand on so I can get my work top back! And at around midnight after a somewhat plastery and floury day I produced my first loaf of bread
It tasted wonderful. I know this because I had to have a slice with butter. The ability to make fresh bread every day is not going to be very good for my diet. That's flour on the loaf, not plaster, though in truth there doesn't seem to be very much difference between the two - a small amount goes a long way!

6 comments: said...

Hi Ann

I admire you for getting plastered!! You have now a new skill as a baker, are you going to be making your own butter and jams next? Is there no end to your talents, you put me to shame!!

Love, Jackie in Surrey

annie hoff said...

Hi Jackie,
Well our nearest shop is a twenty mile round trip, so a bread maker makes sense! I think it does most of the work - I only measured out ingredients! And actually we did enjoy it this morning toasted for breakfast with my home made marmalade! But my talents are very limited believe me!

Mac n' Janet said...

My bread maker is huge too, it lives in the cupboard and only comes out when I bake.
Taping and plastering, I'm impressed!

annie hoff said...

Hello Janet, you might not be so impressed if you saw my taping and plastering! I'm working on the premise that practice makes perfect!

Ann said...

Your bread looks great and I am sure you will enjoy making it especailly if you wake up to fresh bread for breakfast. I had a bread maker for awhile but prefer to knead it myself.
My bible for bread making is DOUGH - simple contemporary bread by Richard Bertinet.

annie hoff said...

Hello Ann
Thanks for the book suggestion - I was thinking it would be nice to have a good book on bread making. I shall look out for it.

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