Thursday 15 September 2011

Walking round the garden

I know he's not a beetle, he's a bug. I don't know which one, except this particular little bug enjoyed sitting on the outside of the car windscreen. I love his reflection mirrored in the glass
I love the clouds mirrored in the loch
I love the thistles when they finally give up their bright colour and  regimental stance and take on an altogether more haphazard and untidy appearance looking bleached and drained of colour.
I didn't know whether this tiny slug was resting or had drowned in a thimble of water trapped at the bottom of the mushroom
I love Autumn. I love it especially when it doesn't rain all the time! And I can walk from the top of the garden all the way to the bottom, to the edge of the loch, and see all manner of wonderful tiny creatures and plants.


S. Etole said...

Such wonder indeed ... Such vivid reflections.

Linda said...

Gorgeous close-ups of Autumn detail. The season is really moving on now. Only just daylight as I write this at 7 am.
I have to admit I feel no pity for the slug, after what happened to my lettuces this summer!

rachel said...

I need to know what that little bug was too - because I brought one home inside my t-shirt after picking sloes the other day. I let it loose in the garden, then had to rescue it from tabby cat Millie moments later. Seems fairly indestructible, whatever it is.....

ju-north said...

Beauty in every season!

ADRIAN said...

I love this set. The bug is a Shield bug. If it was half an inch or under then a gorse Shield Bub if larger.....about three quarters of an inch A forest bug. My educated guess.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful photos! Thank you for opening up this world that walk right past.

Lucille said...

Such a great eye (and lens!) there's a lot to enjoy here. We sometimes find a grasshopper has hitched a ride on the windscreen. It stays with us for miles.

old_black said...

Brilliant pictures, as usual! I especially liked the way you captured the reflections of the bug off both the outside and inside surfaces of the glass.

Em said...

i'm impressed by the shield bug pictures too, although I thought he was walking on water, clever old bug.

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