Friday 29 March 2013

Weather report!

We've been staying down in Shipley near Saltaire in Yorkshire with family. Our return back to Scotland was delayed due to problems with the car. The car is now fixed and we've been home for just a week and each day I've meant to post on here to let family and friends know we didn't get stuck in snowdrifts, or worse, on the drive home.
Yorkshire was filling up with snow as we left, and once in Scotland, the A9 south of Inverness was closed due to the  bad weather. We persevered and did a detour over to the west coast where there wasn't any snow, only gale force winds. We've been hugely lucky here. No snow or overcast days, just very cold but dry, and periods of sunshine and bright blue skies. Some parts of the Highlands have been so dry they are dealing with wildfires. The weather does seem very strange of late!


Linda said...

What contrasts of weather you drove through on your journey north. Like you, we seem to be in a snow-free pocket in Edinburgh. Although you seem to be blessed with more sun than us. Is the sun actually brighter in Ullapool? It always looks like that from your blog!

ju-north said...

Kept an eye on the weather forecasts and noticed that the NW coast seemed to be clear of snow and actually had 'sunshine' on the weather maps!

old_black said...

My goodness, Annie! What a series of pictures. Every one is beautiful and interesting on its own but much more significantly they tell such a remarkable story when put together. You're a fantastic picture story teller.

[That said, the first picture almost makes me giddy to look at's a knockout!]

annie hoff said...

Linda, I don't know if the sun is brighter in Ullapool - probably not! But there is little or no pollution in the air, maybe that makes the difference? We are certainly enjoying the blue skies while we have them.

Old Black
What a lovely comment. Thank you very much.

Vagabonde said...

I just looked at some of your past photos – what a beautiful landscape! I always wished to visit Scotland and have been to England numerous times, but never to Scotland. Yes the weather is strange – we usually get at least one or two days of snow during the winter here in the Deep South, but have not had any in two years.

Anonymous said...

Blue sky!! We started off with blue sku yesterday, but it didn't last long enough to take a photo! Still very cold here ..... a good excuse to light the fire in the studio and sew!!

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