Sunday, 22 September 2013

Move Over.....

...the wind turbines are coming. A drive to Inverness these day is hardly complete without being flagged down by an approaching police vehicle and told to pull over and wait for the wide load that is coming through. We wait and soon an enormous piece of wind turbine comes by towering overhead and very, very long. We can't imagine there would be a lorry long enough to carry it as it keeps on driving past. Finally it goes by, and just as we get ready to breath out another one follows close behind. This is where they are going. 

Wednesday, 18 September 2013

An Ordinary Day

Off down the lane to post a letter. The weather came and went along the way.
Rachel of Slow Lane Life ll has lost her blog enthusiasm. I do totally understand how she feels. I generally enjoy 'doing' my blog but, at times, like Rachel, even though I have things to blog about I just don't seem to be able to get it together. I've been thinking about blogs I like to read. It's often the simple ones, almost understated, that capture a time, a day, a moment with photos and pictures leaving me wanting  more.
Meanwhile today has just been ordinary. The walk down the lane to the post box and back is about six miles,  During that time we had all sorts of weather with intense sunlight in between.
Dear Rachel, I remember a logo I saw once on someone's blog. B.W.O  (blogging without obligation)
It's hard to follow but I think it's sound advice. After all blogging is just a hobby. I think you should enjoy a blogging break, have a nice cup of tea, and maybe from time to time you'll 'pop' back to blogging land.. Like everybody else, I enjoy your blog and I would miss you if you didn't come back!

Sunday, 15 September 2013

A Glimpse of Lewis

Goodbye Ullapool
Hello Stornoway
Lewis, a land of peat, moor, bog and large puddles. The distant mountains of Harris can just be seen
Black Houses at Gearrannan
On a rather overcast and chilly morning  Mary and I went to the isle Lewis for the day. We went on a combined ferry and coach trip to see some places of historic interest on Lewis. It was blustery and grey as we sailed out of Ullapool across the North Minch. But the weather didn't deter our enjoyment. I've only ever been  to Lewis once before and never further than its capital, Stornoway. It was a really interesting and enjoyable day. The best bit was perhaps the visit to the black houses at Gearrannan,  facing towards the Atlantic, life here must have been tough - even if the views were good! Harris is noted for its tweed but Lewis also had its share of weaving looms. The one here is a Hattersley loom and the weaver is Roddy who patiently answered our questions and explained how the hands free flying shuttle mechanism worked. As we made our way back to the coach we could smell the smoke from the peat fire. Peat has  a wonderful pungent almost sweet smell as it burns.
This day trip whetted my appetite to return to the Western Isles.
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