Monday 1 March 2010

I've been tagged!

1. Open your first photo folder
2. Scroll to your 10th photo
3. Post that exact photo with its story
Susan at just a moment lay down the challenge.
And what a challenge! It illustrated perfectly my chaotic filing system! I won't go in to details, but it took a morning of searching, involved Niels, and endless raking through old folders and files.
This is the furthest back I could get. May 20th 2003. The Playtex MoonWalk. The only time I've walked the streets of London wearing just my bra (and one or two other things as well!)
I did the walk with Jo (daughter) and four of her nursing friends - they must have been students at the time.
The three girls in front Heather Bella and Em (hi Em) with Jo (hi Jo) Susie and myself walking along behind.  At this point it was early morning and I think we were coming up through St James' park. We had walked through the night. The walk started and finished in Battersea  park and we walked the full twenty six miles.  At the end I remember we were met by Niels and Peter (Em's dad) with a basket of goodies and hot drinks. They drove us home and we celebrated with a full English breakfast and champagne! It was an amazing event to be a part of and the atmosphere and camaraderie tremendous.
Thank you Susan for the challenge, I really enjoyed doing it and now I'm supposed to pass it on to five other people - only I don't think I can find as many as five! But anyone who reads this and has a blog might enjoy taking it up. A very enjoyable trip down memory lane - and a good way of reorganising  ones filing system!


Unknown said...

I remember how I felt when this photo was taken.... It was about 5am or so. After a jubilant first few hours of walking I think it dawned on me, as the mile boards counted down, just how far 26.2 miles was. I then found walking through the dark streets of London quite gruelling and thought that maybe I should have been for a few practice walks. The sun came up just as we turned into St James' Park and it was dazzling and gloriously warming and soul renewing. As the grass glistened and shimmered, we all smiled at each other I knew that we'd finish it. The moonwalk was brilliant, the atmosphere is quite electric (at times) and there's something quite wonderful about thousands of women in their bras touring London by night! I highly recommend others to do it...... just once though as 26.2miles is a really long long way. Thank you for posting this Ann, I haven't thought of our night walk for an age :o) x x x Em

S. Etole said...

oh my goodness ... what a fun story and photo ... thank you for taking part

Lucille said...

How great to have sparked that memory.

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