Monday 19 August 2013

Slowing down

It was the perfect light for slowing down the shutter speed. Overcast with rain in the air. I was undercover under the trees. I couldn't get to the main waterfall it was tucked away around the corner with deep water and a steep slippery gorge  preventing further progress. I balanced the camera on a rock down at the water's edge at the tail-end of the action.  A thin watery shaft of sunlight suddenly filtered through the trees. It was the icing on the cake. I clicked away happily - Niels went back to the car! I know this technique has been done to death and I'm just adding to it. I took loads of shots, deleted lots and narrowed my posting to just these five! 


Marie said...

Really beautiful effect Ann!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos!

Lucille said...

The water is like smoke or strands of silk. Stunning.

S. Etole said...

These look like spun cotton candy. So pretty.

Linda said...

Although you say this technique has been done, I think you make something very 'painterly' of it. Beautiful.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand the technicalities, but love the end result! Thank you - and for your encouraging comments on my intermittent blog during our recent move.

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